#41 A Haiku and Bio by Valentina Ranaldi-Adams , 2017 April 14th

Chanokeburi Selectec Haiku 2

exposed tree roots –
seat for a child at the picnic

radici d’albero esposte –
per un bimbo sedia al picnic

Valentina Ranaldi-Adams



Valentina Ranaldi-Adams was born in the USA, to parents from Arpino, Italy.  She attended the University of Akron, where she earned a Bachelor of Science Degree, in Mathematics.  Valentina worked as a computer programmer, for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company.  Her haiku and senryu have appeared in journals such as Bamboo Hut, Brass Bell, cattails, chrysanthemum, failed haiku, and Wild Plum.

Valentina Ranaldi-Adams è nata negli USA da genitori italiani, originari di Arpino.
Ha frequentato l’Università di Akron, dove ha conseguito una borsa di studio in Scienze, a Matematica.  Valentina ha lavorato come programmatrice di computer per la Goodyear Tire e Rubber Company.  I suoi haiku e senryu sono apparsi in giornali quali Bamboo Hut, Brass Bell, cattails, chrysanthemum, failed haiku e Wild Plum


selected and translated by Lucia Fontana

Submit your poem to :  https://www.chanokeburi.it/2211-2/


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