Haiku Beer
This is an enduring story of hope. After a certain age, most people are not encouraged to take up a new endeavor or to follow [ more . . .]
the flowing sound of haiku by Lucia Fontana 茶の煙
the flowing sound of haiku by Lucia Fontana 茶の煙
This is an enduring story of hope. After a certain age, most people are not encouraged to take up a new endeavor or to follow [ more . . .]
Guidelines and Topic – Linee Guida e Topica The theme for Incense Dreams 2.2, June 2018 issue is BIRTH, REBIRTH, AWAKENING. In the body of [ more . . .]
“I have found that the personality of the artist is their greatest work.” Somerset Maugham “The Moon and Sixpence” New born Chanokeburi’s Karumi Haijin Award, [ more . . .]
“Ho scoperto che la personalità dell’artista è la sua opera più grande”. – Somerset Maugham “La luna e sei soldi” Nasce il “Karumi Haijin [ more . . .]
father’s absence ― the bright white border of a frozen leaf assenza del padre ― il profilo bianco brillante di una foglia ghiacciata Lucia Fontana [ more . . .]