#9 A Haiku by Maria Laura Valente, 2017 January 7th

Chanokeburi Selectec Haiku 2

melting snow –
tonight I’m calling
my bluff

neve disciolta –
questa notte scoprirò
le mie carte

Maria Laura Valente

Cesena (FC) – Italy


Selected and translated by Lucia Fontana


3 comments on “#9 A Haiku by Maria Laura Valente, 2017 January 7th

  1. Thank you so much, Lucia Fontana, for giving my haiku such a lovely home on your refined blog Cha no Keburi <3

  2. Dear Maria Laura, glad to feature a haiku so double meaning such as yours… love haiku are not enough understood and appreciated as they woud be… Me? Happy to receive one of them, so love-evocative! Congrats 🙂

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