Menzione d’Onore al The​ ​Second​ ​Annual​ ​Jane​ ​Reichhold​ ​Memorial​ ​Haiga​ ​Contest con un Haiga Senryū — snorkeling — -​ ​Kris​ ​Moon Judge, Steve Hodge e Michael Rehling contest​ ​sponsors, November 5th 2017

a fish among fish

un pesce fra i pesci

© Lucia Fontana


“To end on a light bright note “snorkeling” with its delightful colourful art leads us by association into another layer of existence. I’d like to see more attention to visually linking the senryu to the image. One simple way would be to have a dark blue border , the colour of the central dragonfly and have the font in white or pale blue. More radically the lines of the senryu could swim among the dragonflies adding another visual layer to to total.”


libellule controcorrente 6 -n s  (PAG. 26)



2 comments on “Menzione d’Onore al The​ ​Second​ ​Annual​ ​Jane​ ​Reichhold​ ​Memorial​ ​Haiga​ ​Contest con un Haiga Senryū — snorkeling — -​ ​Kris​ ​Moon Judge, Steve Hodge e Michael Rehling contest​ ​sponsors, November 5th 2017

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